Work in the creative and cultural industries?

On 6th May 2021, nearly 20 million people will elect their next Metro Mayor.

We must ask these powerful local leaders to stand up for the creative workforce, nurture local talent and invest in culture for all.

How could we have managed without books, music, journalism, TV and radio broadcasts, box sets, films, computer games, or digital streaming during the endless hours of lockdown? And how many of us long to make live performances in our local theatres, concert halls, stadiums and festivals again?

The workforce that will make this possible have had a devastating year, with so many losing their jobs and falling through the gaps in financial support schemes. We’re now witnessing an exodus from creative professions.

That's why Culture Commons, Excluded UK and the FEU have joined together to develop the 'Creative Workforce Pledge’ - a list of 10 things future Metro Mayors need to do to protect the creative and cultural life of their areas and develop a much healthier landscape for the creative workforce too.

Will you join the campaign? Please use our campaign tool to send the ‘Creative Workforce Pledge’ to all the candidates for Metro Mayor in your area and ask them to sign up today!

Search your postcode to get started 👉

You can read the Pledge here

ask your next metro mayor to sign the creative workforce pledge! Get started here👇

  • (We do not retain your postcode data - this is used only to check if you are in a Metro Mayoral race area!)
  • This will automatically send all candidates the Pledge unless you would like to remove some manually
  • We have written a message you can send right away, but feel free to personalise it if you prefer.

Sign the pledge

David Morrissey
Siobhan Finneran
Shobna Gulati-2
Ian McMillan